Magic Conversation For Gravity Forms Pro v3.0.92

File Size3.84 MB
Create DateMay 13, 2019
Enter Correct Password to Download

Version v3.0.92

  • Added support for WordPress 6.0.

Version v3.0.91

  • Added support for WordPress 5.9.

Version v3.0.90

  • Fixed an issue regarding the handling of merged tags when hidden fields are in front of visible fields.

Version v3.0.89

  • Fixed an issue regarding the loading of conversations on some forms.

Version v3.0.88

  • Fixed an issue regarding continuing a conversation after three rounds that occurs in v3.0.83. (Fix 2)

Version v3.0.87

  • Fixed an issue regarding continuing a conversation after three rounds that occurs in v3.0.86. (Fix 1)

Version v3.0.86

  • Fixed an issue regarding the auto scroll conversation to the bottom that may prevent user see the new question directly.

Version v3.0.85

  • Added the ability to enable an options filter for Drop Down, Radio Buttons, Option and Checkboxes field.

Version v3.0.84

  • Added the ability to allow fields to be populated dynamically with specified parameter names.

Version v3.0.83

  • Fixed an issue regarding the handling of the click event on the radio button icon.

Version v3.0.82

  • Added the ability to jump to another form by using mc-jump-{form_id} as a confirmation message.
  • Fixed issue on conditional confirmation.

Version v3.0.81

  • Added support for GravityForms 2.5.

Version v3.0.80

  • Fixed an issue regarding the loading of the plugin when GravityForms plugin is not installed or activated.

Version v3.0.79

  • Added the ability to display as form when the global conversation button is clicked. (Fix)

Version v3.0.78

  • Added the ability to display as form when the global conversation button is clicked.
  • Added the ability to decode merge tags in the Welcome Page Template.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the ability to insert merge tags via the side icon button, into the Welcome Page Template.

Version v3.0.77

  • Added the ability to auto-detect browser locales for formatting dates.
  • Added the ability to set locales on the settings page for formatting dates.

Version v3.0.76

  • Fixed the issue of displaying warning messages if there is no category on site.

Version v3.0.75

  • Added the ability to display a conversation only in specified categories.

Version v3.0.74

  • Added support for the  Chained Select field.
  • Fixed an issue on validating File Upload field as required field.
  • Fixed issue regarding the display of the Consent field.

Version v3.0.73

  • Added Welcome Mode to route multiple conversations.

Version v3.0.72

  • Added a reload button beside the toggle fullscreen button.

Version v3.0.71

  • Added a button to toggle full screen mode for conversations that are opened by the global conversation button.
  • Added reload button to reset conversations that are opened by the global conversation button.

Version v3.0.70

  • Added the ability to apply custom CSS in the conversation chat area.

Version v3.0.69

  • Added a Quick Start guide to the Help page.
  • Added the welcome message tooltip background and font color support.
  • Added the ability to configure and display merge tags in welcome messages.
  • Added the ability to configure and display merge tags in the conversation header.
  • Moved the welcome message and conversation header content configuration to Forms -> Edit -> Settings -> Conversation.
  • Fixed an issue regarding opening a conversation when the user clicks the welcome message.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the hiding of the conversation header when a user disables the conversation header.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the welcome message when a user disables the welcome message

Version v3.0.68

  • Replaced screenshots to the latest version. (Fix 2)

Version v3.0.67

  • Replace screenshots to the latest version. (Fix 1)

Version v3.0.66

  • Fixed an issue regarding embedding a conversation with short codes.

Version v3.0.65

  • Added the ability to use filter options when the user inputs keywords for Radio or Drop Down fields.

Version v3.0.64

  • Added the ability to display the conversation button for special forms via short codes.

Version v3.0.63

  • Fixed an issue regarding the saving of user input values for the Paragraph Text field.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the auto resizing of the composer after the user sends a responses for the Paragraph Text field.

Version v3.0.62

  • Fixed an issue when the conversation just hangs after the user answers the first question (v3.0.61 only).

Version v3.0.61

  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of conversations in a mobile browser.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the opening of sub forms automatically when the Name or Address field are clicked.

Version v3.0.60

  • Fixed an issue that prevented normal form confirmation redirects in AJAX mode.

Version v3.0.59

  • Added the ability to add custom CSS Classes of field to specified question.

Version v3.0.58

  • Added the ability to auto focus and keep focus on a textarea input.

Version v3.0.57

  • Added the ability to auto focus on a textarea input.

Version v3.0.56

  • Fixed an issue regarding the changing of the color of user messages with the Conversation Style Generator.

Version v3.0.55

  • Added support to display the image style checkbox and radio group.
  • Added support for Product field with 'Hidden' field type.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the conditional logic calculation for Checkbox fields and Option fields with the 'Checkboxes' field type.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of a response status.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of Option fields with 'Drop Down' or 'Radio Button' field types.
  • Fixed issue regarding the display of a price with a symbol.

Version v3.0.54

  • Fixed an issue regarding conditional logic calculations.
  • Fixed an issue regarding conversation scrolling.

Version v3.0.53

  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of toolbars in iOS 13.2.

Version v3.0.52

  • Fixed an issue regarding conditional logic calculations.

Version v3.0.51

  • Added the ability to enter a name directly when the Name field contains only one input.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of plain text when a password is entered into the Password field.

Version v3.0.50

  • Fixed an issue when the date picker auto-closes when the user clicks the right arrow to change the month.
  • Added Added the ability to click the DONE button with an Enter keystroke for the Email, Name and Address fields.

Version v3.0.49

  • Fixed an issue regarding total price calculations.

Version v3.0.48

  • Fixed an issue regarding field validations for the last field.
  • Changed redirect in same window as default redirect option.

Version v3.0.47

  • Fixed an issue regarding the Email field when the Email Confirmation is disabled.

Version v3.0.46

  • Added support for the "GF Mollie by Indigo" plugin.

Version v3.0.45

  • Added support for the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On.

Version v3.0.44

  • Fixed an issue regarding calculating the total price for Product fields with radio options.
  • Fixed an issue regarding redirecting in the same window.

Version v3.0.43

  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of a border when embedding a conversation.

Version v3.0.42

  • Fixed an issue when using the date scroller as a Date picker.

Version v3.0.41

  • Added support for using calendar as a Date picker.
  • Added support for displaying messages as normal form submissions.
  • Added support fore the Consent field.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of scrollbars when loading conversations.

Version v3.0.40

  • Added the ability to use the default value in a Formula calculation.
  • Added the ability to use rounding in a Formula calculation.
  • Added support for dynamically resizing text input (textarea).
  • Added support for pre-populating values with query parameters.

Version v3.0.39

  • Added the ability to set up image button sizes on the settings page.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the auto-submission of forms after bypassing fields that require no user input, such as HTML fields.
  • Fixed an issue regarding Image button mode.

Version v3.0.38

  • Added the ability to perform Formula calculations for the Number field.
  • Added support for multiple confirmations with conditional logic.
  • Fixed an issue regarding conditional logic comparisons on 'greater than' and 'less than'.

Version v3.0.37

  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of embedded conversations on mobile devices.

Version v3.0.36

  • Added a "close" button for global conversations for desktop view.

Version v3.0.35

  • Added a version check.

Version v3.0.34

  • Fixed a conflict with Themify Builder.

Version v3.0.33

  • Added Autoptimize compatibility support. (Fix 2)

Version v3.0.32

  • Added Autoptimize compatibility support.

Version v3.0.31

  • Fixed an issue concerning the live update check.

Version v3.0.30

  • Added license subscription support.

Version v3.0.29

  • Made the conditional logic rule 'is' same as 'contains' for the Checkbox field.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of checked status for the Checkbox field.
  • Added the ability to change month names for the Date field.

Version v3.0.28

  • Fixed an issue regarding the Date field when using a custom date format.

Version v3.0.27

  • Fixed an issue regarding the loading of a conversation when testing on a local server or when the domain contains localhost.

Version v3.0.26

  • Fixed an issue when the conversation scrollbar overlaps the bottom toolbar.
  • Added the ability to customize the Send button text.
  • Added the ability to use full size images for the Global Conversation Button.
  • Display the Send button instead of the Skip button when a field is required.

Version v3.0.25

  • Added support for Font Awesome 5 icon for Skip button.
  • Added the ability to customize the waiting for response hint.

Version v3.0.24

  • Added the ability to open conversations by passing form data with query strings on form submissions.

Version v3.0.23

  • Added the ability to 'Allow field to be populated dynamically' for radio group fields.

Version v3.0.22

  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of text input in composer area that made it hard to focus.

Version v3.0.21

  • Added the ability to upload multiple files.

Version v3.0.20

  • Added support for Gravity Forms Stripe add-on (Gravity Forms + Stripe).
  • Added WooCommerce Product Picker Generator.

Version v3.0.19

  • Added the ability to setup the Border Width and Border Color of the message bubble with the Conversation Style Generator.
  • Added support for Wizard mode for Multi-Page forms.
  • Added the ability to post submissions to 3rd party Rest API's with JSON Submission Data Templates.
  • Added the ability to post submissions (Window.postMessage) to parent windows with JSON Submission Data Templates (case when embedded as iframes).
  • Added the ability to notify the height to parent window when the conversation scroll height changes.
  • Added the ability to add Merged Tags into JSON Submission Data Templates.

Version v3.0.18

  • Added support for the GravityForms PayPal add-on.

Version v3.0.17

  • Added the ability for conversation settings to show/hide the input toolbar.
  • Added support for conversation settings of auto-confirm by click option for the Radio field.

Version v3.0.16

  • Fixed an issue regarding loading conversations via short codes.

Version v3.0.15

  • Added options for handling a confirmation page or a redirect.

Version v3.0.14

  • Fixed an issue regarding skipping Name or Address fields.
  • Fixed an issue regarding stopping working when pressing the ENTER key in the Phone field.
  • Added the ability to display to  send Textarea field content by pressing the ENTER key.
  • Added the Conversation item in the Gravity Forms' form actions menu on the forms listing page and on the WordPress Admin Bar.
  • Added the Conversation item to the edit form toolbar menu.

Version v3.0.13

  • Fixed a conversation display issue on Firefox.

Version v3.0.12

  • Added support for the Product field.
  • Added support for theQuantity field.
  • Added support for the Option field.
  • Added support for the Shipping field.
  • Added support for the Total field.
  • Added the ability to display the maximum file size for the File upload field.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the display of images outside of the message bubble.

Version v3.0.11

  • Fixed an issue regarding the auto fill for default country, state or province in the Address picker.
  • Fixed an issue for keeping the previous state in the Address picker.
  • Fixed issue for keeping the previous state in the Name picker.
  • Added the ability to display the Conversation Permalink in the Gravity Forms list page.
  • Added support for the Password field.

Version v3.0.10

  • Removed the loading of code for v2.x.

Version v3.0.9

  • Fixed an issue displaying link previews.

Version v3.0.8

  • Added the ability to add Merge Tags with the Visual Picker, just like the Gravity Forms confirmation message page does.
  • Added the ability to display the preview of the confirmation page or redirect.
  • Added the ability to skip a whole page of fields with Page Conditional Logic.

Version v3.0.7

  • Added the ability to view a conversation directly with a permalink.

Version v3.0.6

  • Added the Delayed Response Control feature.

Version v3.0.5

  • Added the ability to add shortcodes with the visual form picker as GravityForms.
  • Added a toggle for the full screen button for embedded conversations.